"A friend loveth at all times,
and a brother is born for adversity."
Proverbs 17:17
We all go through these seasons of loves and losses, happiness and sadness, gloomy days and days of sunshine so bright you can hardly see. Change is good; changes have away of proving who we really are. Friendships go through pains of change, as well as marriages and families, but it is necessary to show through it all who we really are in each relationship. As children of the KING we are commanded to LOVE one another as HE without partiality LOVED us. This is not an impossible feat, sometimes it may seem so but we must reach a higher level of understanding with the LORD in order to experience and give this supernatural unconditional love. When you think of the word Super you think of something that is big and extreme. When you combine that with supernatural you get something big, extreme and out of this world. That’s the kind of LOVE we need.
This LOVE looks past the quirky and irksome manners of our companions to see who they really are. This LOVE would help us to see clearly to love unconditionally beyond all the ugly stuff. As I write this I’m thinking to myself, how can I see clearly? The LORD let me remember something as I was listening to some very beautiful music, I began to reminisce on times gone by, when feelings of love were very apparent and I remembered that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. This apparent spiritual wickedness is not the people I know and love and have loved. I remembered all of the good and sweet and gentle times. The times of refreshing and comforting in times of need, and as I sat back to think, tears welled in my eyes over the sadness I felt for the deception that was in my own heart, yet I rejoiced in the truth that the HOLY SPIRIT imparted unto me because my spirit was ready to receive it. I have gained many friends in this world and by the Grace of GOD I pray that I will not loose a single one.
There are Season’s of change let us embrace the change and learn from it, it may cause us to become a better friend than we ever were before.
Hallelujah and Glory to the LAMB of GOD!!!!
This LOVE looks past the quirky and irksome manners of our companions to see who they really are. This LOVE would help us to see clearly to love unconditionally beyond all the ugly stuff. As I write this I’m thinking to myself, how can I see clearly? The LORD let me remember something as I was listening to some very beautiful music, I began to reminisce on times gone by, when feelings of love were very apparent and I remembered that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. This apparent spiritual wickedness is not the people I know and love and have loved. I remembered all of the good and sweet and gentle times. The times of refreshing and comforting in times of need, and as I sat back to think, tears welled in my eyes over the sadness I felt for the deception that was in my own heart, yet I rejoiced in the truth that the HOLY SPIRIT imparted unto me because my spirit was ready to receive it. I have gained many friends in this world and by the Grace of GOD I pray that I will not loose a single one.
There are Season’s of change let us embrace the change and learn from it, it may cause us to become a better friend than we ever were before.
Hallelujah and Glory to the LAMB of GOD!!!!