"Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim." John 2:7
Filled To The Brim
In the first miracle account in the Gospel of John, there was a marriage reception and according to the scripture they ran out of wine. As the account goes, the LORD told the servants to fill up the six waterpots of stone ( about nine gallons each ) with water. Here is the part that struck me as amazing, I’m not sure if the servants new that they were in the presence of the creator, but with flawless expectations they filled the pots to the BRIM! Wow! When I read this passage (for probably the 100th time or more) , it was like a new inspiration struck me, what ever they where expecting they wanted a lot of it. I know that this was the beginning of miracles but I wonder if they had any idea what to expect. This new application just gave me a desire to expect an abundance of promises from GOD. From this passage I am encouraged to be prompt in my obedience to Christ even when the request may seem a little strange, because HE’s about to do something WONDERFUL!! Can you imagine how they would have felt if they only filled the containers half full and only got half the blessings. That would have been an
"Aw Man!" moment.
LORD thank you so much for your ever Living Word, that continues to grow in it’s meaning as we continue to grow in you.
So Remember ladies, get out those waterpots and fill it to the brim and watch the LORD change it into something GREAT!!!!!
Here’s a challenge, if you join up to follow my site and tell me what you want the LORD to fill up your waterpot with I’ll send you a surprise.
LORD thank you so much for your ever Living Word, that continues to grow in it’s meaning as we continue to grow in you.
So Remember ladies, get out those waterpots and fill it to the brim and watch the LORD change it into something GREAT!!!!!
Here’s a challenge, if you join up to follow my site and tell me what you want the LORD to fill up your waterpot with I’ll send you a surprise.