"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:2
This passage of scripture has been such a joy to me, I realized that the joy that was set before the cross was ME...it was YOU! The LORD of glory endured the agony of the cross for me, He endured the shame of the cross for me and HE did it all with JOY!! O what great Love the Father has for us. I am in awe at that passage of scripture when I reflect on how I whine and complain over such trivial trials. I want so very much to learn how to count the cost in my life and to know that everything I go through in the name of Christ is worth it all. My prayer is that the LORD would always restore unto me the joy of my salvation and that the Holy Spirit would daily quicken the new man within me to see the joy in life.
I want to exhort you today to live in the joy of the LORD, to trust in that joy which is the Love of Christ towards us. We are His workmanship, He calls us friend and HE is the Bishop and Shepherd of our souls. With such great omnipotence in our life, a GOD who is with us at all times
and never leaves us, how could we ever feel trodden under foot. Let us praise GOD, who's mercy and grace is towards us. Let us walk worthy of the price that was paid for our souls and live always in the newness of life. Imagine each new day bringing great and precious promises and each new day bringing a gift of Fresh Mercies from our LORD.
"But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth." Psalms 86:15
Let us continue on each and every day remembering that we are the joy and that one day we will sit in the presence of the LORD by the throne where CHRIST is seated.