Tuesday, November 2, 2010

For The Joy!!

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Hebrews 12:2

This passage of scripture has been such a joy to me, I realized that the joy that was set before the cross was ME...it was YOU! The LORD of glory endured the agony of the cross for me, He endured the shame of the cross for me and HE did it all with JOY!! O what great Love the Father has for us. I am in awe at that passage of scripture when I reflect on how I whine and complain over such trivial trials. I want so very much to learn how to count the cost in my life and to know that everything I go through in the name of Christ is worth it all. My prayer is that the LORD would always restore unto me the joy of my salvation and that the Holy Spirit would daily quicken the new man within me to see the joy in life.

I want to exhort you today to live in the joy of the LORD, to trust in that joy which is the Love of Christ towards us. We are His workmanship, He calls us friend and HE is the Bishop and Shepherd of our souls. With such great omnipotence in our life, a GOD who is with us at all times

and never leaves us, how could we ever feel trodden under foot. Let us praise GOD, who's mercy and grace is towards us. Let us walk worthy of the price that was paid for our souls and live always in the newness of life. Imagine each new day bringing great and precious promises and each new day bringing a gift of Fresh Mercies from our LORD.

"But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth." Psalms 86:15

Let us continue on each and every day remembering that we are the joy and that one day we will sit in the presence of the LORD by the throne where CHRIST is seated.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Season's of Change

"A friend loveth at all times,
and a brother is born for adversity."
Proverbs 17:17
We all go through these seasons of loves and losses, happiness and sadness, gloomy days and days of sunshine so bright you can hardly see. Change is good; changes have away of proving who we really are. Friendships go through pains of change, as well as marriages and families, but it is necessary to show through it all who we really are in each relationship. As children of the KING we are commanded to LOVE one another as HE without partiality LOVED us. This is not an impossible feat, sometimes it may seem so but we must reach a higher level of understanding with the LORD in order to experience and give this supernatural unconditional love. When you think of the word Super you think of something that is big and extreme. When you combine that with supernatural you get something big, extreme and out of this world. That’s the kind of LOVE we need.

This LOVE looks past the quirky and irksome manners of our companions to see who they really are. This LOVE would help us to see clearly to love unconditionally beyond all the ugly stuff. As I write this I’m thinking to myself, how can I see clearly? The LORD let me remember something as I was listening to some very beautiful music, I began to reminisce on times gone by, when feelings of love were very apparent and I remembered that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. This apparent spiritual wickedness is not the people I know and love and have loved. I remembered all of the good and sweet and gentle times. The times of refreshing and comforting in times of need, and as I sat back to think, tears welled in my eyes over the sadness I felt for the deception that was in my own heart, yet I rejoiced in the truth that the HOLY SPIRIT imparted unto me because my spirit was ready to receive it. I have gained many friends in this world and by the Grace of GOD I pray that I will not loose a single one.

There are Season’s of change let us embrace the change and learn from it, it may cause us to become a better friend than we ever were before.

Hallelujah and Glory to the LAMB of GOD!!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Filled To The Brim

"Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim." John 2:7

Filled To The Brim

In the first miracle account in the Gospel of John, there was a marriage reception and according to the scripture they ran out of wine. As the account goes, the LORD told the servants to fill up the six waterpots of stone ( about nine gallons each ) with water. Here is the part that struck me as amazing, I’m not sure if the servants new that they were in the presence of the creator, but with flawless expectations they filled the pots to the BRIM! Wow! When I read this passage (for probably the 100th time or more) , it was like a new inspiration struck me, what ever they where expecting they wanted a lot of it. I know that this was the beginning of miracles but I wonder if they had any idea what to expect. This new application just gave me a desire to expect an abundance of promises from GOD. From this passage I am encouraged to be prompt in my obedience to Christ even when the request may seem a little strange, because HE’s about to do something WONDERFUL!! Can you imagine how they would have felt if they only filled the containers half full and only got half the blessings. That would have been an
"Aw Man!" moment.

LORD thank you so much for your ever Living Word, that continues to grow in it’s meaning as we continue to grow in you.

So Remember ladies, get out those waterpots and fill it to the brim and watch the LORD change it into something GREAT!!!!!

Here’s a challenge, if you join up to follow my site and tell me what you want the LORD to fill up your waterpot with I’ll send you a surprise.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Mothers Wish

Hello Ladies and a belated Happy Mothers Day!!! But then everyday is Mothers day, because every day we are mothers. Some of you may have read my poem already as I posted it with my Homeschool Group and also to other family and friends but just wanted to post it on my blog as well. You would not believe what a pain it is to try and recover lost passwords and logins, but YEAH!! I have finally done it. So here's my poem I pray that it will be a blessings and I think universally for Christian moms this poem is true:

A Mothers Wish
We have a wish that we wish for you and often it’s in prayer,
We wish that we could impart to you the Love we love to share
From the moment you were babies and we held you in our arms
And realized how special you were and how blessed it was be a mom
We wish that we could take you back to the first day that we met
And tell you all the many dreams we’ve dreamed for you but yet,
It’s not about the past you see it’s about renewed chances
Sometimes we yell or scream or stomp and you may give us peevish glances
But we know that you know we love you and we can start over again,
To build upon the relationship that started the day we held your tiny hands.
A mothers love is special, the LORD taught us from the start,
He taught us how to love a perfect stranger and how to love you from our hearts.
Its crunch time now and you’ve grown up quite fast, even faster than we’d dreamed
And we know that this world would love to devour you
So we try to warn you of Satan’s schemes.
We fail sometimes, no probably very often but our love for you is true and all we’ve wanted from you all our lives is for you to do the things GOD told us to tell you.

Deuteronomy Chapter 6 tells us:

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

Now these are the words we’ve tried to live by and to instruct you your hold life through. It doesn’t matter how old you get we are still responsible for you.

Now the LORD told us that if we would train you up in the way that you should go
That once you are old you would not depart so now all we can do it sit back and watch as you continue to grow.

These are wishes that we wish for you. That you would grow up in the ways of the LORD and shun the wickedness of this world and to live in peace and safety in the promises of GOD.

So remember the sayings that mommy knows best and yes we have eye’s in the back of our heads, it’s called discernment and it’s a special gift that was especially designed for us by the Master’s Hand.

We love you dear children and we just wanted to say that as we go through life and many more mothers days, we wish you all these wishes and a wonderful blessed life too and we pray with all our hearts you will wish these wishes too.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Too Long

It's seems like it has been forever since I posted, but so many things have been going on and to be honest I had a hard time trying to get my password and log in information. It was a nightmare. I think I have a good memory but I am sadly mistaken. Because my time is so short and so precious to me finding the time to track down my log in information was the lowest on my priorty list. I've had so many things I wanted to post and talk about but I think I have it all straightened out now so I'll try and keep current on my posting.