What a scripture to be faced with in the morning after a bout of self pity and despair concerning my role as Mother, Wife, Teacher, Financier and any other title that could place upon ourselves. Sometimes as moms we tend to gather so many jobs and hoard them as our own not realizing that we leave so many needful things unattended. Prayer is essential, bible reading is essential, praising your children is essential, and seeking the face of the LORD in every aspect of our day is a MUST!! How can we even survive one successful day (keyword successful) without the LORD? I’m sure that at the end of the day we can all fall back in our chair (which is where I spend a great deal of my time) and say, well that’s a wrap, I made it through this day unscathed. But the question is what type of day was it? Was it wrought with fury and hardship? Did you make it by the skin of your might or by the power of the LORDS hand? Did you successfully pass the tests that were put before you or did you even notice them. Sometimes we are so oblivious to the lessons to be learned because we are so caught up in our AGENDA (yuck!!) LORD please deliver me from not seeing your face and your Will in every situation of my life. Please help me to pass the tests of life or at lease acknowledge them. Please help me at every moment not cease to follow your will in ever situation or at least acknowledge your Will. Yes, every wise woman does build her house, and hopefully it will be built upon the precepts of GOD’S word. Yes, the foolish plucketh it down and that with her own hands. I believe that I have on many occasions damaged the structure of my home, but by GOD’S grace not the foundation, for it is firm and sure and not even the gates of Hell can prevail against it. However; situations that are in my control cause me to falter in the area of maintaining my keep (castle part: a stronghold, or the innermost fortified part of a castle) I pray that as we go forward today that we will be the best wife and mother and sentinel of our home. GOD will protect us from every foe, but we must not allow the foe entrance. I thank the LORD for His ever watchful eye especially upon the reigns of my heart and I pray that we all walk forth in Love and Charity, holding forth the Words of Truth.
Yes, yes, and yes! Psalm 113:3 "From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD's name is to be praised." What are we waiting for? Praise Him now!
ReplyDeleteSister Louise
I love your site praise the Lord women of God thank u for these wonderful Scripture many blessings Alicia Jackson