Greetings in the name of the LORD !!
Just wanted to keep in touch with the ladies who attended our 6th annual Women's Gathering. I believe we all had a time of refreshing and renewing of hearts unto the LORD. For those of you who were not able to attend this year, the theme was based on Philippians 2:5 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (KJV1611) This was a wonderful 3 day event, one of our speakers is a missionary to the Ivory Coast, Michelle Geiger. Please keep her prayer has she continues her deputation. The other two speakers were myself, Tammy Martinez, and Sister Gloria Garces of March Avenue Baptist Church
It was wonderful how the LORD intertwined our messages and thoughts together. Each message was different but they all were based on the same premise that in order to have the mind of Christ we need to know Christ. In order know Christ we must study His Word. Each day was filled with scripture and testimonies. Testimonies of a life time of heartaches, abuse and loneliness. The testimonies were given all to the glory of GOD. What a blessing to be able to praise GOD through your trials.
The LORD taught us many things in the 3 days that there is truly a unity in the body of Christ. There were women their from different areas of San Antonio, different churches and all age groups. We were truly a diverse crowd, but in all I must say that we gathered in the name of the LORD.
I was so fired up and revived from the Women's Gathering and I actually felt a since of mourning when it was all over. I still have the fire and I am going forward to do whatever the LORD has purposed for me to do. Please keep checking back on this site for more information about upcoming events.
There will be a quarterly breakfast to continue our fellowship and we look forward to seeing many of you there, so keep checking back for the upcoming dates. Our first breakfast will be in November and we will be announcing that date soon. If you signed our address book at the church you will receive an invitation in the mail.
We welcome any and all testimonies are comments concerning the '08 Women's Gathering. Please leave a comment and let us know how this event blessed you.
Just wanted to keep in touch with the ladies who attended our 6th annual Women's Gathering. I believe we all had a time of refreshing and renewing of hearts unto the LORD. For those of you who were not able to attend this year, the theme was based on Philippians 2:5 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (KJV1611) This was a wonderful 3 day event, one of our speakers is a missionary to the Ivory Coast, Michelle Geiger. Please keep her prayer has she continues her deputation. The other two speakers were myself, Tammy Martinez, and Sister Gloria Garces of March Avenue Baptist Church
It was wonderful how the LORD intertwined our messages and thoughts together. Each message was different but they all were based on the same premise that in order to have the mind of Christ we need to know Christ. In order know Christ we must study His Word. Each day was filled with scripture and testimonies. Testimonies of a life time of heartaches, abuse and loneliness. The testimonies were given all to the glory of GOD. What a blessing to be able to praise GOD through your trials.
The LORD taught us many things in the 3 days that there is truly a unity in the body of Christ. There were women their from different areas of San Antonio, different churches and all age groups. We were truly a diverse crowd, but in all I must say that we gathered in the name of the LORD.
I was so fired up and revived from the Women's Gathering and I actually felt a since of mourning when it was all over. I still have the fire and I am going forward to do whatever the LORD has purposed for me to do. Please keep checking back on this site for more information about upcoming events.
There will be a quarterly breakfast to continue our fellowship and we look forward to seeing many of you there, so keep checking back for the upcoming dates. Our first breakfast will be in November and we will be announcing that date soon. If you signed our address book at the church you will receive an invitation in the mail.
We welcome any and all testimonies are comments concerning the '08 Women's Gathering. Please leave a comment and let us know how this event blessed you.